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; Indigenous peoples -- Fiction ; Personal growth ; Mythology ; Nature conservation ; Initiation ritesIn a remote jungle tribe, the sudden death of an owl is seen as a dark omen. That same night, three children are born with incomplete souls, and one of them must become the next shaman. Named Fox, Monkey, and Hummingbird by the forest, these chi[...]; DessertsRicardo Alcántara, Author ; Gusti, Illustrator | Barcelona (Spain) : Cromosoma | El petit món de Juanito Jones | [2007]Ricardo Alcántara, Author ; Gusti, Illustrator | Barcelona (Spain) : Cromosoma | El petit món de Juanito Jones | 2005Juanito feels sad and stuck, unable to express his feelings. His grandfather realizes the problem is the hurtful words Juanito keeps inside. Through gentle guidance, Juanito learns that to heal, he must find the courage to speak up and share his[...]Roser Capdevila ; Amèlia López | Barcelona (Spain) : Cromosoma | Els contes fantàstics de les Tres Bessones | 2001Les Tres Bessones han conegut les set cabretes, que viuen atemorides per la presència del malvat llop que se les vol menjar. Les Bessones no estan gens impressionades i superen amb astúcia totes les seves trampes. Però aconseguiran salvar les ca[...]