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880 : Classical Greek literature and literatures of related Hellenic languages |
Library items with class number 880 (18)
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Els fets que motiven el discurs Sobre la pau són bastant complexos, i es poden considerar com un dels episodis preliminars de la gran ofesiva de Filip contra Grècia i especialment contra Atenes, la qual, baldament afeblida, era encara, despr[...]; CA-MYP/DP Library ; CA-MYP/DP LibraryAristophanes, Author ; Luis M Macía Aparicio, Translator | Madrid (c/ San Máximo 31, 4º 8 Edificio 2000, 28041, Spain) : Ediciones Clásicas | 1996; AdultsAristophanes, Author ; José Javier Viana, Translator | Madrid (c/ San Máximo 31, 4º 8 Edificio 2000, 28041, Spain) : Ediciones Clásicas | 2009William Allan | Oxford; New York; Madrid; New Delhi; Melbourne : Oxford University Press | Very short introductions, ISSN 2399-7168 | 2014The classical world and the masterpieces of its literature continue to fascinate readers and audiences throughout the media- from popular histories to the reworking of classical subject matters by contemporary poets, dramatists, and novelists. I[...]El banquete o El simposio es un diálogo platónico escrito por Platón sobre los años 385–370 a. C., y es uno de los diálogos más trabajados, apreciado tanto por su contenido filosófico como por su contenido literario. Versa [...]Història, a seminal work by Herodotus, takes readers on a captivating journey through ancient history. With meticulous research and evocative storytelling, Herodotus unravels the rise and fall of civilizations, the achievements of great leaders[...]167 pages ([46]-167 dupl.), [3] h. de mapas pleg / maps / 21 cmprinted textHistòria, a seminal work by Herodotus, takes readers on a captivating journey through ancient history. With meticulous research and evocative storytelling, Herodotus unravels the rise and fall of civilizations, the achievements of great leaders[...]167 pages ([46]-167 dupl.), [3] h. de mapas pleg / maps / 21 cmprinted textThis book contains three minor Socratic works by the ancient Greek author Xenophon: "Oeconomicus," a dialogue on household management; "Symposium," an account of a banquet; and "Apology," a defense of Socrates during his trial. The works offer i[...]Homer, Author ; Carlos García Gual, Author | Madrid : Alianza Editorial | El libro de bolsillo | 2005Aeschylus, Author ; José Alsina Clota, Author of introduction, etc. | Madrid (Spain) : Cátedra | Letras universales | 1993Esquilo (525-455 a.C.) vivió en Atenas, cuya democracia cantó en sus obras. De sus numerosas obras, sólo siete han llegado hasta nuestros días: Los Persas, Los Siete contra Tebas, Las Suplicantes, Prometeo encadenado y la trilogía de La O[...]