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An introduction to alligators, including their size, diet and everyday behavior, which highlights differences between those in the wild and those living in a zoo habitat.Todos los animales quieren jugar con la araña: el caballo quiere cabalgar; la vaca, comer hierba; la oveja, correr por el prado; la cabra, saltar por las rocas; el cerdo, revolcarse en el barro; el perro, perseguir a un gato; éste, dormir la sie[...]National Geographic, Vol. 1 Iss. 2 - November 1997 - En los bosques de Minnesota
1997The second issue of National Geographic España features diverse articles, including an exploration of the scientific quest to understand the aging process and unravel the secrets of a longer, healthier life. Another article delves into the world[...]Jan Ormerod, Author ; Andrew Joyner, Illustrator ; María Francisca Mayobre, Translator | Barcelona : Ekaré | 2016El hermanito bebé de Carolina Cocodrilo pasa todo el día babeando, pero aún así, mamá Cocodrilo a cada instante dice que es preciosísimo. Carolina está muy celosa, así que decide ir a la tienda de bebés y hacer un cambalache por un nuevo hermani[...]This book explores the classification of reptiles, addressing how and why animals are grouped. It explains the defining characteristics of reptiles and highlights the differences between crocodiles and alligators.El más grande de los reptiles nada a sus anchas en los ríos, lagos y estuarios de las zonas tropicales de América, Asia, África y Oceanía. Es un depredador voraz que lo mismo caza en el agua que en tierra firme. Puede que no sea muy hábil en la [...]¿Tienes un cocodrilo tan revoltoso como Coco, que no quiere lavarse los dientes? No te preocupes, Lola ha conseguido que se los lave. ¡Abre este libro y descubre cómo!New[18] pages / chiefly colour illustrations / 21 x 21 cmprinted textMairi Mackinnon, Author ; Fred Blunt, Illustrator | London; Barcelona (United Kingdom; Spain) : Usborne | Usborne Young Reading | 2013Croc is late for everything, even her own birthday party. She misses the bus, she can't buy new shoes because the store is closed for lunch, and what's worse, she has the hiccups. A surprise birthday present may be just what she needs." Simple, [...]Looks at the daily lives of crocodiles, describing where they live, how they hunt, how they care for their young, and more.Unpaged / chiefly colour illustrations / 28 cmprinted textJack Patton, Author ; Brett Bean, Author | New York; London (United States of America; United Kingdom) : Scholastic | Battle Bugs | 2016The evil reptile army returns to threaten Bug Island once again, with a fearsome saltwater crocodile named General Longtooth as their leader.Anna Milbourne, Adapter ; John Joven, Illustrator ; Rudyard Kipling, Bibliographic antecedent | London; Barcelona (United Kingdom; Spain) : Usborne | Usborne First Reading | 2015Long ago, elepnats had short noses. This story tells how their noses became long. Adapted from one of the Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling, this fun story has puzzles to solve at the end. -- Back coverTiro liro, 258 - March 2018 - En guàrdia, Duramort!
2018- El conte: En guàrdia, Duramort!; Animals del món: El cocodril del Nil; Els jocs: El mag Senyor Conill; El racó de la màgia: La màgia és a l'abast de la mà; El còmic d'Anatol: L'amic de la Milena...