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It's spring and 999 frogs wake up, they decide to awaken a still sleeping turtle, lizard, ladybugs, and a big snake.999 Tadpoles fit perfectly into a small pond, but when they grow into frogs, its a different storyNew40 pages / chiefly color illustrations / 24 cmprinted textJim Arnosky, Author | New York; London (United States of America; United Kingdom) : Scholastic | 2002; FrogsInformation about how frogs and toads grow and live. Includes what they eat, how to handle them, and how to recognize the sounds they make.Jump into the magical realm of frogs! Explore the exciting life of these amazing amphibians, from their awesome leaping and swimming skills to the fascinating journey of tadpoles turning into frogs. Dive into a captivating story, enjoy fun activ[...]Activity book. Formerly CIP.; FrogsAntonio Rodríguez Almodóvar, Author ; Patricia Carcelén, Illustrator | Sevilla (Spain) : Algaida | Cuentos de la media lunita | [2010]Pato Mena, Author | 2018¿Serán 5 ranas capaces de contar hasta 5? ¿Y qué pinta 1 pollo en todo esto? Difícil misión que necesita la ayuda de alguien con ganas de reírse... Back cover.NO SE TRATA DE LO QUE DICES, ¡SINO DE LA MANERA EN QUE LO HACES! ¡¡Noemí!! Noemí, eres una ranita muy lista, ¡pero debes mejorar tus habilidades sociales!En la jungla, la terrible jungla? una ranita encuentra un huevo. '¡Ah, ah! ¡Esto es mío!', grita a los cuatro vientos. Pero la serpiente, el águila y el dragón dicen que el huevo es suyo... -- PublisherLa rana Ivana y sus amigos, el sapo Pablo, la araña Castaña, la oca Alberta, la tortuga Valentina y muchos más, ven pasar las estaciones del año en el estanque.At night in the woods forest animals stare at a mysterious face...Gill Munton, Author ; Tim Archbold, Illustrator | Oxford; New York; Madrid; New Delhi; Melbourne : Oxford University Press | Read Write In,. Phonics | 2006Flip Frog sees a bug on a rock. He thinks to himself 'I wnat to eat that bug'. The chase begins... Will Flip Frog catch the bug, or will it all end in disaster?"Finn is fat because he's always the first to eat. Poor Fred starys thin- he's too slow! Is there any way he can get a meal?"--Back cover