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Historia. National Geographic, 10 - October 2004 - Alejandro Magno
2004; History -- Periodicals ; Alexander, the Great, 356 B.C.-323 B.C ; Israel ; Pharaohs ; Aristotle ; Egypt -- Civilization -- To 332 B.C. ; Orpheus (Greek mythology) ; Leprosy -- History -- Middle Ages ; Beer -- Egypt -- History ; Torquemada, Tomás de, 1420-1498 ; Jews -- History -- 586 B.C.-70 A.D. ; Carthage (Extinct city) -- History ; Richard I, King of England, 1157-1199This issue delves into various intriguing historical topics. From Orpheus and Torquemada to the first pharaohs and the destruction of Carthage, this issue covers a diverse range of topics. Discover the fascinating history of leprosy in the Middl[...]