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Author Camilla De la Bédoyère |
Available item(s) by this author (13)
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; Penguins100 things you should know about Penguins will take you on a voyage to the coldest, emptiest places on Earth. Exactly 100 facts accompanied by photographs and detailed artwork give an amazing insight into the chilly world of these fascinating bi[...]The book is a fun and informative book for young children who want to learn more about bears. It is part of the My wild life series, which introduces different animals and their habitats. The book features a bear mask, a poster, and stickers to [...]Activity book. Formerly CIP.Jump into the magical realm of frogs! Explore the exciting life of these amazing amphibians, from their awesome leaping and swimming skills to the fascinating journey of tadpoles turning into frogs. Dive into a captivating story, enjoy fun activ[...]Discover the fascinating world of monkeys in "I am a Monkey!" This engaging juvenile literature explores the lives of monkeys, from their playful antics to their nurturing behaviors. Through a blend of storytelling, interactive activities, and c[...]Summary: Discover the fascinating world of monkeys in "I am a Monkey!" This engaging juvenile literature explores the lives of monkeys, from their playful antics to their nurturing behaviors. Through a blend of storytelling, interactive activiti[...]Camilla De la Bédoyère, Author ; Pauline Reeves, Illustrator | Essex (United Kingdom) : Miles Kelly | Curious questions and answers about... | 2018; AnimalsHumorous illustrations and astounding facts explore all that is wild, wonderful and downright weird about the animal world.-- Back cover; BearsExactly 100 facts accompanied by photographs and detailed artwork reveal fascinating information about bears. Throughout there are quizzes and activities, plus fun facts and color cartoons.; BirdsWelcome to the world of birds of prey. Discover facts about different species, including eagles, falcons, vultures and owls. Find out how they live, hunt and what can be done to protect them.Includes index. Formerly CIP.Published in association with BGCI. Includes index. Formerly CIP.